Sunday 20 July 2008

A Hat full of Rainbows

I actually forgot my phone when I took the dogs a walk this morning, so no photos from there. This, however, was the view from the front door as the wyves went out last night. A rainbow and a splash of electric blue sky.

So instead of landscapes you have photos from the garden this evening. I wanted a new livejournal icon to replace the sai (I've had to stop kobudo and jiu-jitsu for the immediate future - too much leg and foot damage) so seeing them daily is a bit emotionally painful. Here, however, is my favourite, dilapidated hat, in this shot amongst a bad of sage and honeysuckle.

This shot got a bit bleached. It's the hat atop my old 'George' - the log cemented in place and used as point practice when I used to study rapier.

Finally, the hat in the greenhouse.
I potted up a couple of plant I bought from Morissons for 30p each, some parsley and a water lily.


aims said...

So does the hat smell like sage and honeysuckle now?

You could do pics of the hat like they do with the travelling gnomes....start a new thing!

The rainbow looked sweet and comforting - know what I mean?

Rachel Green said...

I take enough photos of my hat as it is!

Yes, I do know what you mean, although it was too far away to search for treasure.

BT said...

I loved the surprise photos. Rainbows are magical. Even in Chessy! 'Journeys of The Hat'.... I like it.


Rachel Green said...

Thanks Gina. Today a hat... tomorrow, bunny ears, perhaps ;)

Lane Mathias said...

Beautiful rainbow shot!

And I do like your hat pics:-)

Rachel Green said...

Thanks Lane :)