Monday 6 October 2008

Wicker Men and Sunny Walks

On the field
framed by wire fence -
a perfect leaf form.

Sunny path
despite the wet grass
and soft, wet shoes.

A glimpse
of hidden allotments
Gates deter entry

Has anyone read these?
I want to write
some children's H&J

Carole Beavis
making willow people
in the precinct

Abstract patterns
from a car park level
in afternoon sun


aims said...

I haven't read either of those books Rachel - but isn't the artwork unique?

You are thinking of writing children H&J? What is that?

Those willow people - wow! What an incredible amount of work. I hope the artist got paid good money for them although I think I would have liked to see something besides 'string' holding their arms in the air.

Rachel Green said...

It was a work in progress - eventually the two figures will be a self-supporting arch.

Harold and Jasfoup stories for 10-14 year olds ;)

I love illustration for children's books (mostly).

spacedlaw said...

H&J adventures for the young would be great fun.

Rachel Green said...

A bit less sex and wit should do the trick, I think.