Sunday 23 November 2008

Poetry Chapbook 23

Blood Pie

In the kitchen the wholesome scent
of pastry and of baking -
What trouble brews that Lucy meant
to be the devil’s making?

A portion in the cellar to
appease the restless spirit
another in the downstairs loo,
left on an iron skillet

The third piece in the garden
the fourth piece in the hall
the fifth is left to harden
in the mausoleum pall.

The sixth left for her mother
the seventh for her dad
the last piece for another
if the seven drive her mad.

For mixed in with the pastry
and the apples and the pears
the soul of something nasty
from the crate below the stairs.


Unknown said...

Oh! Well, at least she's thrifty (and ingenious). Reminds me of that old Jodie Foster film where she killed all the old men with arsenic in their coffee. Of course, not really the same at all, but maybe you can see what I mean.


Rachel Green said...

I have a suspicion this is more like a binding spell, though!

BT said...

Oh Rachel, you do invent some horrid children! Love it though

Rachel Green said...

It is the purpose of children to be horrid ;)