Saturday 15 November 2008

Tiny Flower

Found this on the field. A buttercup sport or a celandine?

Toadstools on a chestnut tree

Watery sun
hides behind poplars
empty of shadow

Sun behind sycamores


Unknown said...

My guess is buttercup. At least, I would say so over here. :)

Not commenting on all the rest in my efforts to catch up, but I did read. Some fabulous poetry. I would so love to see all of these done on lulu if you were so inclined.

Rachel Green said...

That's a nice idea, thank you. I'll see how I feel about it after the chapbook challenge is over.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos, not sure about the flower, the petals seem the wrong shape for buttercup, but then there's more than one species of buttercup...

I love the tree skeletons...

Rachel Green said...

Thank you:)
I'm not sure what it is. Some of the plants in the garden think it's spring.