Tuesday 17 February 2009

Dying Trade

Clocks tick in the House of Dread
as Samuel Holdstock irons a shirt
a little starch to lift the head
and keep it from the graveling dirt.
The corpse embalmed and fit to view
and dressed in stern Victorian fit
So relatives can gape anew
and talk of death and stand, and sit.
But such a waste of work it feels
to scour the dead below the ground
better still to fit some wheels
so clockwork motors whirl around.


aims said...

I love how macabre this is!

Makes me think of all the articles I've read recently about people getting plastic surgery after they die so they look good in their coffin.

BT said...

Oh that made me laugh so much!! Rima at The Hermitage would love it. She loves things on wheels, not sure about corpses though!!

Rachel Green said...

Clockwork surgery would be all the rage if we could only stop the rust!