and dress up in my negligee;
a harlot good to go.
Candles on the table, wine waiting to pour
Boeuf Bourguignon in the oven,
listening for the door.
He crashes through at midnight, the candles have gone out.
He sneers at carboned food and wine:
“Woman? Pour a stout.”
Soft music drowned by TV, lights turned up to see
he’s brought a little something
a present just for me.
“I got it down the pub,” he says, holding out a ring
A tear forms. “Does this mean?” “Yes,” he says,
“I’ve got a raging hard-on. Will you do the decent thing?”
*laughing over here*
made me laugh -
good to read something funny
Bit of Pathos there I think. Lovely painting.
Excellent. Sadly funny. Loved the painting, too.
Laughing and crying at the same time.
Thank you ladies, you are most kind.
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