than the tree that sheltered it.
In the warmth of the sun
the shallow pools of rainwater
it carries at its leaf nodes
have all dried up.
Purple spirals of flowers have faded
to leave nests of tiny black seeds
like wasps in springtime
it resists pulling,
shallow roots clinging on
until it succumbs
to the sharp
snick snack
of secateurs
and is dragged
shouting from hollow stems
and spitting black pips
to the compost heap.
There, old comb-thistle!
the bees and I love your flowers
and your shadowshine
but you shall not despoil my flower beds
so readily.
Thanks Neil :)
*laughing softly over here*
Love it Rachel.
Oh, this is grand. The painting is lovely, as is the verse.
That's a smashing poem Rachel. Love the snicker snack of the secteurs. Poor teasel! But I know how invasive they can be. Lovely painting.
Thanks Gina.
A bit of a homage to Carroll with the snick-snack
Of course, I knew I'd heard it before somewhere.
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