The Re-emergence of the Romantic interest
You read the novel
with an ease bought of indolence
reclining with one leg drawn up,
the book held in one hand at the top
the lines like a drop-down menu
on a computer screen.
In the other hand is an apple
one bite taken
and I can see the line of your mouth,
your teeth,
etched on the russet flesh
the curve of your lip quivers,
moistened by a quick tongue
and the line of your trousers shifts
and I know you've reached the point
where the heroine remembers you
and you are lost.
The whole reason behind why I read. To be lost in another world.
and I :)
Fantastic. You are doing much with reader-character connections, and I think it's brilliant.
Thanks Steph. There might be a chapbook in this series!
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