Celsius Four-Five-Oh
450 degrees Celsius –
the temperature at which paper auto-ignites
and books burn
(Bradbury thought Fahrenheit 451 made for a better title).
To increase the scarcity of her only novel
she elects to burn the remaining copies
(save her own)
but her oven only goes up to 225 degrees
leaving the pages brown at the edges
but otherwise unharmed.
She sells them all as pieces of art;
each ten times the price on the cover
and is content.
450 degrees Celsius –
the temperature at which paper auto-ignites
and books burn
(Bradbury thought Fahrenheit 451 made for a better title).
To increase the scarcity of her only novel
she elects to burn the remaining copies
(save her own)
but her oven only goes up to 225 degrees
leaving the pages brown at the edges
but otherwise unharmed.
She sells them all as pieces of art;
each ten times the price on the cover
and is content.
How clever! Wish I'd thought of that.
marvellous - Bradbury's added one degres is to be sure :)
Thank you both :)
Good trick!
I think the removers dumped mine in the local landfill after the spastics shop rejected them.
I have a boxful left. Next year's garden art, I think!
A boxful? Shall I take orders if I can?
Tell me you really didn't burn them....please! It's too good to burn!
heh! No need - you can buy it chaper on Amazon than it would cost me to ship.
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