Tuesday 12 June 2018

12th June 2018

flashes of yellow among the borders
bin collection day

© Rachel Green 2018

she slips through quiet streets
pounding the pavements
on a never ending quest.
Kids at home
never enough to eat
a society failing
moving from the countryside
to the inner city
just for a living.
Dumpster diving;
out-of-date food
at the back of the supermarket
a piece of carpet from a skip;
a broken lamp she can mend
maybe sell for a tenner
re-use, re purpose, resell.
Maybe a piece of Lego
on the gravel of a car park:
something to add to the box
her youngest can play with
while his friends have television.
In an alley a woman with her back to her
buys drugs from a boy she knew in school.
All cows are black in the dark
until they swap out the old sodium lights
for the bright new LEDs of denial.

© Rachel Green 2018

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