Friday 11 October 2024

11th October 2024


northern lights

reaching south to Chesterfield

migrating geese

© Rachel Green October 2024

Another covid test again reveals

a positive result: no training night for me

with my worldly few jiu-jitsu pals and seals

the kiss of death on Sunday's colonoscopy.

A solitary walk is all I have in store

to burn the calories I need to lose,

reducing weight and body size. What's more

important than my health? I say and choose

an early night or three and watch some reels

of Rickson Gracie's fights in early UFC

or maybe write synopses of my novel  wheels

and hone my skill of locks to wrist and knee.

Perhaps I'll test again on Monday's morn

and hope then that an uninfectious me is born.

© Rachel Green October 2024

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