Through this Novel Your Perception of the World will Change
Don't be afraid to open the cover –
if you are wise, or brave, or can leap
suppositions in a single bound over
the dread chaos of interrupted sleep;
if you can travel to foreign places
without looking like a tourist about
to step into god-forsaken spaces
between the rivers of a typeface – shout!
and let the world know you are the one who
shelters from the prematurely yawning
graves when there is nothing more to do
but steer a scented caravan 'til morning.
Or if you are the sort to read and sleep
run now, before they bring you nightmares, deep.
Don't be afraid to open the cover –
if you are wise, or brave, or can leap
suppositions in a single bound over
the dread chaos of interrupted sleep;
if you can travel to foreign places
without looking like a tourist about
to step into god-forsaken spaces
between the rivers of a typeface – shout!
and let the world know you are the one who
shelters from the prematurely yawning
graves when there is nothing more to do
but steer a scented caravan 'til morning.
Or if you are the sort to read and sleep
run now, before they bring you nightmares, deep.
Image: John Henry Fuseli: The Nightmare
Oh my! That's wonderful!
Do go and have a look at the comments Dr. John left about AUC over at my place.
btw - did you know he was a minister? Can't remember which kind - but I thought that was kinda neat!
Thanks Aims - hadn't got to reading blogs yet :)
That is interesting!
Some info on Dr. John....
Ho! I love this one.
Thanks Aims
Thank you Stephanie
I love it too, a real good one!
Thank you Gina
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