One book. One heroine. One plot.
She tries too hard – it's all she's got.
One problem to pursue; one evil to subdue
She's the stuff of anti-heroes – not
one of your macho girls with muscles to employ
to take the baddies down with swords and guns to get the boy –
she's not the kind of character to give the guy a chance –
she'd likely blow his head apart than ask him to a dance.
She looks out from the pages as if to say 'This crap
is what you're churning out these days? You'd better take the rap
for pushing those neuroses on the crowd that likes romance.
Do you see what you've written? Do you dare to take a glance
at some of this forsaken prose that you pass off as done?
I'll be out of here directly so I guess you'd better run.
*claps* Brav-a, Rachel! Most excellent. These have been the most fun.
You are too kind :)
So good!
Thanks Lane :)
Writers are their worst critics.
Please believe me when I say you are a master. Please!
That made me laugh! A bit harsh I thought!!
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