Tuesday 20 August 2024

20th August 2024


super blue moon

revealed by scudding clouds

busy hedgehog

© Rachel Green August 2024

supermarket checkout

where the one (wo)manned till

has a queue to the end of the aisle

and all the rest are self service.

It's not an unexpected item in the bagging area

it's just I picked up the bread

to make way for a tin of beans

but yes, I'll wait for the assistant

to come off her tea break to check

and yes, I'm looking at you

in the security camera, missus,

and why would I want to round up the total

for a donation to charity

when you never, ever to offer to round it down

to save me tuppence

and besides, you doubled the price of butter

and made billions in profit.

I'm too honest for a five-finger discount

but your camera can have two.

© Rachel Green August 2024

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