Saturday 3 August 2024

3rd August 2024


long grass

wet from the night rain

animated dreams

© Rachel Green August 2024

A&E Thursday Night

Nine PM and it's packed

like a pub serving the last pint

at the end of the world,

The walking dead.

The wounded.

The desperate.

A No Smoking area outside the doors

filled with smokers, vapers, drinkers

(no cans allowed inside)

and two police officers with a bald white dude,

his head and chest covered in blood

you know is somebody else's.

A woman, heroin thin, says something as I pass

but I can't hear her over another woman

shouting down her mobile phone.

"It's an eight hour wait, lovey," she says

seeming to relish the misery this news incites,

"They've no staff on duty 'til the morning."

© Rachel Green August 2024

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