Wednesday 7 August 2024

7th August 2024


freezing blackberries

harvested in sunshine

children's smiles

© Rachel Green August 2024

Siobhan's dad was a good man;

Catholic in heart and soul

and never did anyone any harm

unless they had it coming.

He went to church every Sunday and Saint's day

confessed his sins in the confessional

did his penance weekly

and never gave the Proddy bastards an inch.

He got last rights before he died

in bed with his wife and kids around him

and had the best funeral money could buy.

In the resurrection he was one of the first;

broken free of his steel casket by Jesus himself;

scared his missus to an early grave

when the embalming fluid leaked

from the autopsy scars on his chest.

The Meek will inherit the earth

but the embalmed can't drive for shit.

© Rachel Green August 2024

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