Late night, after the feast table had been put away, I saw on Stephanie's journal about making Chinese tea eggs and had to try them. Last nights weren't so good but today's came out quite well. I used paprika in

It was incredible windy today with scattered sunny bits where the clouds cleared sufficiently to let it through. We narrowly avoided a dogfight when a woman charged around a corner with two Westies (which seem to be the commonest dog around here), saw me, shouted 'F--- Sh--' a few times and made a large detour.
I responded with a 'good morning' and apologised to the dogs on her behalf.
Oh Rachel. The more I get to know you - in dribs and drabs and sentences here and there - the more I can see what a happy peaceful life you have. I'm delighted there are 3 wyves. Does it make for a good title then...the 3 wyves tale?
My brother and I discovered- almost simultaneously - that he is gay. His has been a particularly hard road - kicked out of his apartment building for being gay - that kind of red-necked attitude you know....and many more indignancies that he has had to suffer.
Yet never - up until I met The Man - have I come across a person so lovely and kind as my brother. His life has shaped him and me as well and I have learned and learned and learned from him.
I remember going to the gay dances with him when we were in our 20's and AIDS was a chocolate weightloss square. Those dances - what fun we had! I had many a gal ask me to dance each time I went and I so enjoyed myself!
Now - after over 30 years of solitude and living like a hermit - he has finally found another lovely man. And he really is. So now I know of 3! I'm so happy for him and so at ease when we all get together. One big happy family.
I can see this is your life too Rachel. One big happy family. Your quick-wit and dry humour are a wonderful revelation of what you hold underneath. For me anyway.
I sure would be happy and proud if one day you could include me in the list of your friends.
Coming to your sites every day is something I look forward to each morning as I sit down here with my breakfast and turn on the power.
Thanks girl! You give me much pleasure.....
Thanks Aims. There is a darker side to me and us but we are fairly happy and stable. There are actually six women in the family, though only Kay, Luisa and I are handfasted.
I'm glad your brother found love after adversity. I was aware of how difficult it was to be gay in Canada.
Not just Canada - try being gay in redneck Alberta!
You know - where the Cowboys ride the range and eat raw buffalo before sex....
However - they won't be beaten by the idiots who sport their silly hats and boots or the ones who drill the soil to expunge the oil up north. No! We have (around the same time as the Stampede - so really soon) The Gay Rodeo!!
Dressing sheep in stockings and nice bits of fluff is one of the main attractions!
On the 12th - my brother and his partner are going to the wedding of my brother's lawyer and his partner who he met in Mexico and then brought here. At least here they are allowed to marry...for now. And I'm so damn proud of those that do legally tie the knot!
We just can't decide which shoes Pablo is going to wear to the wedding. He does have a ton of them!
And btw - those are raw buffalo balls those idiots eat...:0)
There isn't much that surprises me anymore Rachel. My brother took me to my first leather bar when we were in our 20's.
I've seen much much more in the 30 years since then. And - I don't judge. Maybe that is why my brother and I are such great friends. I never judged him like his other two sisters have.
I guess not. We've been the Leather Family since about 2000 and are probably the best known in the UK, thanks to K volunteering to run every event in the country. at least two of our exs went on to found Leather families of their own.
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