What were you doing 10 years ago?

Five things on your to-do list for today:
Transcribe the demon's blog post (done)
Take Bear, Jack and Trickster for a walk (done)
Write a Laverstone Tale and at least 500 words of Another Bloody Love Story
Welcome folk to the house for the Midsummer Gathering
Hide from all the guests in the greenhouse and read.
What are three of your bad habits?
My tendency to Asberger's
My intolerance to people talking
The amount of tea I drink..
What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Pay off the mortgages
Buy a country estate and rename it 'Laverstone Manor'.
Buy an impractical car, like a vintage hearse.
What are some snacks you enjoy?
Victory Vs.
Fruit, especially dates and figs.
What were the last five books you read?
Human Croquet by Kate Atkinson
Petite Anglaise by Catherine Sanderson
When We Were Bad by Charlotte Mendleson
Where Demons Dare by Kim Harrison
Lottery by Patricia Wood
What are five jobs you have had?
Benefits Rater – I was sacked for being nice to customers
Life Model - Sacked because I wasn't a 'sweet young thang'
Car park attendant
Art gallery director
Five places that you have lived?
Alvechurch, Worcestershire. A pretty town that art of Laverstone is based upon.
Newcastle upon Tyne
Sedgley, Dudley.
Darley Dale, Derbyshire
Oh fabulous. I laughed out loud Rachel at the title. Sorry honey, I'll tag you next time.
Just to say Victory Vs are the work of the devil, and I'm so impressed by your jobs. Mine are so tame and boring.
Heh! I followed your 'not tagged by Jon' lead. No need to tag me - that way i do it if I feel like it!
My jobs weren't terribly interesting, in my opinion.
Enjoy your gathering:-)
Thanks Lane - It went well, and we renewed our handfasting.
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