It contrasts well with the blue. This is of the top pond, over the purple sage and past the blue irises. The little dragon is a stoneware facsimile of a Notre Dame gargoyle and was the very first thing I ever purchased from the internet, back in 1995. Remember those days? When a 56K modem was considered fast?

Also at the bottom of the garden, past the circle, is the lantern tree. Originally this was just a log Lu brought home to burn but I liked it so much I cenented it into the ground and screwed new branches to it. It held oil lamps and candle lanterns (and still does) but it als sports a set of outdoor electic lights too now.
The whirly thing is a wind toy.
You made a tree! Cool:-)
Still love your garden.
Thanks Lane :)
You have a great eye for composition. Lovely pics again.
Thank you JJ :)
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