We were shown a lake on the first evening. It was an easy walk - or would have been had I not had a plate-and-pinned right ankle and unresolved pain in my left foot which shoots pain into my left ankle and calf. At the bottom of the hill where K's mum and her husband live is the fantasic wood and lake. I don't know what it was called but it was delightful. There was the remains of a wrecked rowboat on the shore. It was just turning dusk at 9:30 PM

Yesterday we were taken to a church at Kilfenora, County Clare where this delightful chap - I think he's a demon - was on the side of one of those huge tall crosses at the old Protestant church.

This was also there, but outside. I love the way the lichen grows on the old stone, and the lettering is beautiful out of context.
That was the first time I'd been in a church for many years, though perhaps it didn't count as we weren't allowed in the church proper, just the touristy bits.
The photo of the boat on Loch Graney is just so atmospheric. Lovely.
It is indeed. That was a beautiful place.
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