When we were in Ireland, Gina gave me her very first Artist Trading Card. It really is a delightful piece called "Cat in a Cage" and measures only 3 1/2" by 2 1/4". Click on the image to have a closer look. Lots of fabric and stitching and utter feelyness.
I used to make a lot of ATCs myself but it lapsed in recent years. I shall have to revive the practice, if only to send Gina one in return!
Incidentally, if you click the link you'll see loads of pictures of our two days there, though be warned, there are pictures of me on display, so really not for the faint of heart. If you have a look, leave her a comment.

I have a fondness for the haiga form. This is a rather lazy way of doing it -- adding a haiku (or more often a Senryƫ) to a photograph. What I should be doing is hand painting a picture to illustrate and make a counterpoint to the words.
Still, I am noting if not lazy, as my friend Jasfoup says.
Unlike Gina, who has a saying (and I forget where it came from) to counter any adversity:
"We're not made of paper! We won't melt!"
It makes no sense to me either, but it's terribly appropriate for many situations.

Here's a photo K took of the three of us last week at Chatsworth. You'll have to click it to see, but Lu is holding a big steel ball, I'm in the middle and K to the right.
...or in regard to high winds;
"we're not made of paper - we won't blow away!"
~grin~ smashing entry x
I just found this blog by way of your link to it on Gina's blog.
And I just wanted to say it looks both wonderful. *big smile*
I'm also looking forward to catching up with your entries on here. *big big smile*
Hope that you and yours are doing all right, that things are going okay, and that today goes all right for you all.
Hugs, lovies, and stuffs for you all. *HG*
God bless and take care. :).
I have given you an award.
Went to have a look at Gina's pics - and now I see what you were about in Ireland. What fun - even if the weather was iffy.
I have a similar saying...but it goes...I'm not made of sugar - I won't melt.
Egads! There were some dreadful pics of me on Gina's blog - I thought I looked like a bloke in half of them. Still, I'm glad you saw a little slice of our two days away.
Oh I just love your blogs Rachel. I'm so proud to have my first ATC in print! I sent you a 'back' for it. I hope it arrived safely. And the lighter.
Can you believe it was Simon's Mum who used to say 'We're not made of paper, we won't melt', no, it doesn't make sense!
It arrived this morning, as a matter of fact! Thank you :) (and the lighter).
Thanks for telling me where the saying came from. It's become one of my favourites already.
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