Saturday 2 August 2008

Butterflies and benches

The nearest I could get to identifying this was a Hespederae; a skipper. Here on a bramble leaf in the field. There were lots this morning.

I took Lina with me this morning as as we got to my favourite cemetery bin I spotted all these plants in it - obviously from a wicker basket that was also in there. This is before and after I'd got them home and potted them up. We have lavender, rosemary, sage, an ornamental grass, a hebe and a couple of cineraria -- also something that was unidentifiable and too far gone to survive (potted anyway) and a little pelargonium.

Off to the medical examiners. Who'd have guessed they worked on Saturdays? I avoived all trace of humanity and got to town via all the back alleys.

Look at the lovely rust on this disused streetlight.

This is the bench tucked away behind the bottom pond. Lovely.

And a Lina haiga.


BT said...

Love the Lina haiga.

Didn't you do well with your plant fest? what a great find, hope they all grow, especially the 'dead' one!!

Med exam ok?

Rachel Green said...

I did rather - large plants, most of them - £20 or £30 worth.

Med exam not good, I don't think.

aims said...

Wonderful scoop on the plants! Lucky you! You do find the most amazing things.

Are you okay my friend?