Sunday 17 August 2008

Dogs and Leather Neighbours

Are these nightshade berries the most delicious shade of poison red?

If I wanted bottles to keep poison in, I'd make them this colour.

This is the house next door to us - literally our hedge is theirs.

Currently up for sale with wilkins-vardy
at £124,950.

Want to be my neighbour?

I thought not ;)

Finally (today has not been good for photographs) a composite of the doge on the field this morning (from two separate photos).

See you tomorrow


aims said...

I can't figure out which house is for sale...the one with the close cropped lawn or the one that isn't. I see everyone has a satellite dish...handy that.

The dogs look so very handy and the berries so - red.

Now - why wouldn't we want to live next door to you? I would.

BT said...

It's the one nearest the camera, aims. It's very cheap, I'll have it!! Neighbours might be a bit noisy though.

Rachel Green said...

Exactly so - the one you can actually 'see' is ours!

There are very few people who would choose to live next to a houseful of lesbians, aims. ;)

Chris Stovell said...

Now you will get a stampede of folks all wanting to live next door to you!

Rachel Green said...

It's not like we're live on webcam or anything.

Oh! Hang on...

aims said...

Of course I meant to say the dogs look so very happy! Jesus Wept! What's wrong with my brains these days?

And pfffft on not wanting to live next door to lesbians. I for one wouldn't care at all...but then I'm unusual...I'll say that. So I guess I see what you mean. Sad that.

Rachel Green said...

They are happy.

I've just taught bear to shake a paw, too.