Tuesday 14 October 2008

Under Angel's Wings

Canopy of grey
clouds and half-remembered dreams -
plucked angel feathers.

Patient dogs -
Mom's gone into that shop
buying dog treats?

After the construction
come wood preserver
a nice shade of blue

After painting comes cleaning -
A brillo pad breast scrub
brings me no pleasure.

Dogs waiting
for mum to finish
is it dinner time?


aims said...

You sound a tad melancholy today my friend.

I love the blue stain. It's a beautiful colour.

And the happy faces on those guys...oh my.

Rachel Green said...

I'm fine thanks, Aims. A little pink from the scrubbing, perhaps ;)

spacedlaw said...

Those doggies do seem hopeful (and happy).

Rachel Green said...

I'd scrubbed all the blue paint off!

BT said...

lol, Rachel! It's coming along, isn't it? I'm looking forward to seeing it finished, maybe in December, if our plans work out.....

How are you managing without DK?

Rachel Green said...

Well enough, I suppose, but then I'm generally solitary.

Lina and Luisa are worst.

BT said...

Oh dear, yes, I'm sure Lina misses her badly. Extra hugs from all I hope.