Tuesday 9 December 2008

Mamma and the Red-Hot Cup

Mamma and the Red-Hot Cup

Woe is Mamma Gina
I burned my fingers raw
put something in the oven
and closed up tight the door

When the timer sounded
I opened it again
and grasped the mug of cocoa
for several moments when

My fingers lost all feeling -
I dropped the milky cup
and yelled blue blinkin’ murder
and held two fingers up

I ran them under water
and dabbed then with a towel –
ate pain-relieving tablets
that tasted really foul.

My poorly bandaged fingers
have blistered up agin’
but to start them healing
I’ll prick them with a pin.


spacedlaw said...

Ouch! I hope this is not a real story!

Rachel Green said...

It was - BT the crafty gardener (Gina)

DK said...


BT said...

I haven't stopped laughing yet Rachel. The skin on the blister has all dried now and has cracked. it's disgusting! I'll have to wear plasters now. Great poem, wish I was as skinny as your lovely drawing!

Rachel Green said...

I'm glad you weren't offended ;)