Saturday 1 June 2024

1st June 2024


cold wind

gathering grey

fading sun

© Rachel Green June 2024

How different my life would have been

if I'd had access to puberty blockers

when I was a teenager

but in the late seventies

we'd never even hears the term transgender

and transvestites were ridiculed on TV

and in public forums

so I kept my secret to myself.

Now puberty blockers are illegal

but only for trans kids;

they can still be prescribed for clinical reasons

just not for gender dysphoria.

That makes it a criminal offence

and possible prison time

to assist a gender dysphoric teenager;

the last fuck you in the very last days

of a Tory government.

© Rachel Green June 2024

U.K. temporarily criminalizes puberty blockers for trans kids - LGBTQ Nation

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