Sunday 23 June 2024

23rd June 2024


morning barks

lead to an injured rat.


© Rachel Green June 2024

the rat trap I set

caught one of the garden rats

but didn't kill it;

just left it trapped

and screaming in terror or pain,

confronting me with the consequences.

What to do but to kill it?

Letting it go would leave the dogs

free to terrorise and maul the poor bugger

who had a right to live just as much

but killing it meant I had to be active

in the little chap's destruction

and I couldn't crush it

ot cut off its head: I could probably kill a person

but not an innocent

so I dropped it in a bucket of water

and watched in sink, terrified,

into the depths.

Was that kindness or not?

© Rachel Green June 2024

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