Monday 24 June 2024

24th June 2024


summer heat

brings an Amber death warning

Lion's mane mushrooms

© Rachel Green June 2024

every morning

was an alarm of coughing

until he'd had his first cigarette.

Frying bacon

in a pan that was never washed;

a pease pudding of old fat

melted and hardened saily

and a pint of sweet tea

from the pot on the back of the Aga.

Terry Wogan on the radio

because that's what Mum listened to,

perched on a stool in the kitchen,

the back door open whatever the weather;

his undershirt showing grey chest hair

and his braces looped down over his grey work trousers;

greeting the day with an unshaven scowl

and a big smile for his beloved dogs.

© Rachel Green June 2024

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