Monday 4 December 2023

4th December 2023


night thaw

frozen into ice

garden fishes

© Rachel Green December 2023

My dear failed PM, Lizzie Truss,

I hear you're introducing a Private Member's Bill

to ban Transgender women from women-only spaces

rather like the American South bans people

based on the colour of their faces.

Can you name a single case of assault

where a transgender woman made attacks

on other women's persons

or are you basing prejudice

on films like "Silence of the Lambs"

and Joanna Rowling's versions?

Have you thought that banning me

from ladies' loos and changing rooms

will force me into male spaces

where far mor danger looms?

And view your law the other way

with AFABs banned from Gents

do you really want these hairy guys

to shower with consent?

Now name for me a public face

a famous household name 

whose actions are despicable

but hide behind their fame.

I bet you've thought of ten by now

who get away with benders.

The paedophilia in the news

is always from cisgenders.

© Rachel Green December 2023

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