Wednesday 8 October 2008

Haiga - WOTD - circumlocution

circumlocution \sir-kuhm-loh-KYOO-shuhn\, noun: The use of many words to express an idea that might be expressed by few; indirect or roundabout language.

I tried to explain

circumlocution but I

just talked in circles.


spacedlaw said...


aims said...

Very cute!

(wish I understood what spacedlaw means)

My word of the day: pusillanimous

My Shoe of the day: something from the 1950's - in black with sequins on the peep toe - says it all doesn't it?

Rachel Green said...

She means Italians speak in a circumlocutatory fashion - I know, I married one!

Cowardly lion
was pusillanimous 'til
he got his medal

spacedlaw said...

I married one too (but he is okay) but most of all: I WORK with them (and they do manage to spred 10 minutes' worth of information over four hours). This is one of the thign that drives me murderous on a daily basis...

spacedlaw said...

That and typos, obviously...

Rachel Green said...

Thanks for the enlightenment!

BT said...

Good word, Rach. I do it all the time!